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Alton Cricket Club Ladies

Managed by: Martha Folkes
Telephone: 07530597865
Location: Alton, Hampshire, GU341SN

About Alton Cricket Club Ladies

Successful and friendly ladies team playing in Hampshire Division 1. All abilities welcome. Aged 15+

need players
Positions available

Alton Cricket Club Ladies are a successful and friendly team currently playing in Hampshire Division 1. We are looking for new players of all abilities to help boost our team. Whether your the next pro or have never played before it doesn't matter! The ladies have won 3 out of the last 4 leagues and are looking to add another trophy.

  • Any
  • 14 - 21+

To contact this team, call Martha Folkes on 07530597865

Contact information
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Alton CC
Jubilee Playing Fields
Northfields Lane
Alton, Hampshire
GU34 1SN

Tel: 07530597865